Make your income independent of your physical time
Our tools allow you to multiply your productivity by 10X, without losing quality or customization.
Practitune for iOS and Android
Build your routine, find content, stay informed of what your network practices, track your progress statistics, and get help from our mentors when you need it.
Practitune lets you define how long you're going to practice each exercise and set alarms so you never forget a session.
Whether minutes per day, per week or per month. Type of exercise, key or tempo. Practitune allows you to have a complete record of the composition of your practice.
Don't miss material to study. Discover thousands of existing videos and printed materials, or add your own.
Don't get stuck trying to put together the perfect routine. Get inspired by what other users are practicing, or ask one of our mentors for help.
Our tools allow you to multiply your productivity by 10X, without losing quality or customization.
Boost your reach by taking advantage of the benefits of a community.
Free yourself from dealing with technology and put your effort into providing the best content with personalized attention, improving the value received by students.